21st Century Classroom

We will attempt to define and give examples of components of a 21st Century Classroom.  A good place to start is with the Edutopia article written by Patrick GoertzHis article gives his idea of the ten signs of a 21st Century Classroom.  As you will see in his article, his idea of the ten signs are:


  • Technology Integration
  • Collaborative Environment
  • Opportunities for Creative Expression
  • Inquiry-Based Approach
  • Justification for Answers
  • Writing for Reflection
  • Use of a Problem-Based Methodology
  • Hands-on Learning
  • Teacher as Facilitator
  • Transparent Assessment

Read through his article and look at the comments for each of those ten signs.

The image below, from edtechdigest.com, is a great diagram of a model of some of the components one should find in the modern classroom.  Firstly, notice that this diagram emphasizes the technology hardware one might find.  This includes some type of projection device that allows the entire class to engage in the content being presented and individual devices that provide students with a way to interact individually with the content.  Next, the teacher has some type of data device and software that allows him/her to assess students individually or as a whole group and obtain data as to the student’s understanding of the content being presented.  Thirdly, some less obvious components include wireless and digital texts.

Please feel free to contact us for any questions or concerns.